52 Pick Up:Celebrating Fathers

After a hard day of cooking his “potjie” Dad has to sit down and relax and wait for the judges  to come and inspect his “potjiekos“.

Here Dad is getting ready for the big cooking!

Here is the end result. Delicious don’t you think!

(These photos were taken during the South African Festival in Napier, New Zealand 2005. They used gas to cook on)

In South Africapotjiekos (play /ˈpɔɪkkɒs/), literally translated “small pot food”, is a stew prepared outdoors. It is traditionally cooked in a round, cast iron, three-legged pot, the potjie, brought from the Netherlands to South Africa in the 17th century and found in the homes and villages of people throughout southern Africa.[1] The pot is heated using small amounts of wood or charcoal or, if fuel is scarce, twisted grass or even dried animal dung.


52 Pick Up


This originally started out as a personal challenge, but now it is open to anyone who wishes to join in.  The name 52 Pick Up is relevant because through the challenge I hope to “pick up” my photography style and further advance my craft.

Should you wish to join me in this challenge, here are the rules:

  1. The theme begins on Sunday and at least one image on the theme must be posted by the following Saturday.
  2. Images can be captured on my Digital SLR, point-and-shoot or even the phone on my camera.
  3. Each image must be taken during the theme week. No scrounging back through last year’s photos for “a good one”. That would be cheating and the challenge is about taking new photos with new inspiration!
  4. Images are allowed to be post processed. I shoot in RAW and use Photoshop Elements 9.0 for post processing. My favourite actions come from Paint the Moon and MCP Actions. If you haven’t checked them out yet you should. They both offer freebies to give you a taste of how their products work.

Each week I will post the challenge.  If you are participating, add a link to the photo you have taken in the comment section of that post.

This Week’s Challenge

Week 25: Celebrating Fathers

So join me each week as I continue in my photographic journey. Share a comment, your own images, or perhaps just be inspired to develop your own art of photography.
